The Unlocked Foundation


The Unlocked Foundation .


Capture The Women's Wealth Summit during Art Basel at The Moore with over 120 attendees eager to learn about money, investing, and beyond. We aimed to create social media-driven content that redefines perceptions about money, showcasing the empowerment and positivity that resonated throughout the event.

Our Role

  • Photographer

  • Videographer

  • Short-Form Video Editor

  • Social Media Manager

Recap The “Vibes”

Following all the hype around the event, we created a recap video shortly after showcasing all the best moments!

Social Proof

We interviewed attendees at the event to get real raw reactions and takeaways from the program.

Share Value

We used “mic drop” moments from each speaker to highlight some of the insights and value from the live event with their digital audience.


The Daily Drip